The Association between the Prevalence and Age Standardized Death Rate of Hypertension within the South African Populace Over a 15-Year Interval (2006-2015)

Author Details

Mrs. Bernelee D Doherty, Prof. Yvonne Paul, Mr Marco Barnard, Dr. Terry J Ellapen

Journal Details


Published: 19 May 2021 | Article Type :


South Africa is the biggest contributor to the overall African hypertension prevalence. Hypertension is a modifiable cardiovascular pathology, through medication, nutrition and habitual physical activity. The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between the prevalence of hypertension in South Africa and its respective age standardized death rate (ASDR). The South African hypertension prevalence was retrieved from the South African Council of Medical Schemes (CMS), while the ASDR was retrieved from the Global Health Estimate 2016. Reportedhypertension has steadily been increasing among the South African populace by 5.42% annually from 2006-2015. There is a strong positive correlation with the South African hypertension prevalence and it’s ASDR. The awareness and management of hypertension in South Africa is poor. Many South Africans cite poverty as a key factor that prevents them from purchasing healthy foods and participating in regular exercises. Walking is a free mode of exercise, which all abled-bodied hypertensive persons can perform. Habitual walking can serve as an effective hypertensive management rehabilitation tool in conjunction with medication to better control hypertension.

Keywords: hypertension, mortality, physical activity. 

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How to Cite


Mrs. Bernelee D Doherty, Prof. Yvonne Paul, Mr Marco Barnard, Dr. Terry J Ellapen. (2021-05-19). "The Association between the Prevalence and Age Standardized Death Rate of Hypertension within the South African Populace Over a 15-Year Interval (2006-2015)." *Volume 4*, 1, 15-19